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Edit: Updated July 2024 with two new seats that have a weight limit over 500 lbs!
I’m going to admit something here - I think I’ve given bad advice in the past. Well, maybe not bad advice, but not fully inclusive. I think I’ve been a bit narrow-minded in my approach to bike seats.
If you’ve followed my adventures, you know that I’m an endurance rider. It’s not a big deal for me to go for 50+ mile days or consider spending 8 hours on my bike at one time. My recommendations have often reflected this and I’m realizing that those might not be the most appropriate for many folks just getting into cycling.
In fact, for a lot of my readers who are just getting into bikes (or back on them) or who only intend to ride recreationally, I’ve neglected to provide good recommendations for you...So let’s fix that!
As a gentle reminder, just because you’ve got a big booty, DOES NOT mean you need a bigger seat! It’s all about supporting your sit bones (technically your ischial tuberosity, which is the lower part of your pelvis.)
This drawing does a good job showing the bones we want to be supported - and again - just because we’re fat, doesn’t mean we have super-wide sit bones!
Bike Seats for Recreational Riding / Shorter Trips
All of these seats have a weight limit of 300 lbs or more!
Oversized Bike Seat for Men & Women Comfort - Weight limit of 600 pounds!
This seat had the second highest weight limit I could find, at 600 pounds. A bargain at $39.99, this seat should work well for shorter distance riding on an upright bike or trike.
This saddle has some nice anatomic features and has a comfortable (but not too cushy) gel padding that provides nice support. Another cool (but often overlooked feature) is the “cooling fabric” which supposedly keeps the saddle from heating up in the sun. I haven’t tested this feature personally, but the reviews seem promising! Buy on Amazon.
Selle Royal Respiro Men’s Soft Moderate Cool Xsenium Bicycle Saddle - $62.65
Similar to the women’s version, but with a bit different geometry for our different nether region needs, this saddle has the same features as the women’s version. Buy here.
IPOW Comfort Bike Seat for Women or Men - $19.99
This seat is pretty different from what I typically recommend, but it has over 4000 glowing reviews on Amazon, so something must be nice about it. At $19.99, you can’t really go wrong either. Ergonomic features, a cutout for breathability, springs for shock absorption, and a reflective feature in the rear. Buy here.
YLG Oversized Bike Seat for Outdoors Use -$39.97
This saddle is a big departure from my typical recommendations, but again, I’ve heard nothing but glowing reviews. Much wider and fully supportive of your hips, this saddle is a very different design. This seat is ideal for very upright bicycles or tricycles. Buy here.
Bike Seats for Indoor Cycling
Do you enjoy riding a stationary bike inside but find that your butt is killing you? Me too actually - I’ve found that riding inside hurts SO MUCH MORE than riding outside. My theory is that when we’re outside, we’re constantly shifting our weight when we stop or start, look around, or change speed. When we ride inside, however, our bodies stay in one place much longer, so having a supportive seat is crucial!
Here are my favorites for people living in larger bodies:
YLG Oversized Bike Seat for Indoor Use - $39.99
This is the same saddle as my recommendation for outdoor riding, but this one is specifically for indoors. The primary difference is the cover material is different for indoors than outdoors, but realistically, either model would work for indoors or outdoors. Buy here.
DAWAY Oversized Comfort Bike Seat - $41.99
This saddle has the highest weight limit I could find at 550 lbs and I’ve seen a million fat influencers rave about it. Apparently it’s THE BEST for the Peloton but I can neither confirm nor deny that as I’ve never used a Peloton :) This saddle has memory foam and is water resistant, so it would also work for outdoor riding! Buy here.
Bike Seats for Endurance, Bike Touring & Road Riding
Terry Liberator X Gel - $82.95
This is my go-to all time favorite seat. Firm but not too squishy with padding in just the right places. The cut out in the saddle is great for all sorts of anatomy too. Buy here.
Brooks B-17 and B-17S $104-125 (price varies)
People either love or hate Brooks Saddles. I love them, but admit that they do take a bit to get used to. If you’re able to find one, I especially recommend the B-17S, which has a shorter nose. Buy here.
WTB Volt - $47.95
With steel rails and firm padding, this no-frills saddle is a good bet for many body types. I use this on my gravel bike and cyclocross bike and am very happy. Buy here.
The Tool You Need to Change Your Bike Seat
Each seat post and setup is a little different, but there’s one (nearly) universal tool that will work regardless what setup you’ve got. A bicycle multi-tool!
This is actually a very handy tool for every person who rides a bike to have (and to carry on every single ride.) Most multi-tools have a size range of allen wrenches (or hex key), a flat head and Phillips head screw driver, and a few other helpful tools.
I love this one from Crank Brothers - it’s $19.99, fits in nearly any bag at 3.5” long, and I never leave home without it. It will almost definitely have the tool you need to change your bike seat.
Crank Brothers Multi Tool
Be the hero for all your friends on your rides. Every tool you need.