Surly — Marley Blonsky - All Bodies on Bikes

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Recommendation Round Up: Bikes, Clothing, Shoes

Let’s talk about recommendations! This is the number one question I get across the board – on Instagram, Facebook and here on my blog  - what bike/clothing/shoes should I get?

White Minimalist Plain Collage Instagram Post.png

Well, I’ve finally rounded up all of my favorites into one place! I’ve also added in a few of my favorite tips - like don’t wear underwear with your bike shorts! Did you know that?

Check them out here and please, share widely!

Bike Recommendations

Bike Clothing Recommendations

Tops & Bottoms

Rain Gear


Bike Accessories - Saddles, Pumps and other fun gear!

As we get closer to bike camping season, we’ll start to talk camping gear, bike bags, and much more.

What else do you want to see reviewed? Let me know in the comments!

Humanoids of Surly Feature

As long time readers know, I’ve been a fan of Surly Bikes for a long time. Basically since I started riding bikes as an adult. So when they reached out to me a bit ago to ask if I would be interested in being featured on their Humanoids of Surly Blog, I was over the moon!

The blog post came out yesterday and the response has been overwhelming. I don’t know what weird little corner of the internet I exist in, but thank you all for making it so supportive, friendly and welcoming.

Check out the Surly blog here and look for more fun stuff soon!

Humanoids of Surly Blog Post
