Wedding — Marley Blonsky - All Bodies on Bikes

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Washington DC, Working Out, and a Wedding!

Blogging has a taken a back seat this winter, as JR and I have been settling into cohabitation life. I really can’t complain - it’s quite boring but nice to just be at home most of the time. We grocery shop on Sundays (most of the time by bike), go to work during the week, and hang out with our friends occasionally. Both our jobs take us on overseas travel occasionally (he leaves on Tuesday for Australia) but most of my spring trips have been indefinitely postponed while the corona virus mess happens.

This boring, but stable life home life has been a really great counterweight to the slightly frenetic happenings elsewhere in my life. Everything is good - really good - but there are a lot of spinning plates up in the air right now and I’m honestly waiting for them all to come crashing down in a horrific, beautiful mess. 3 of the biggest updates for now:

  1. Washington DC! Kailey Kornhauser and I submitted a proposal to the National Bike Summit for a session that was accepted! We’re heading to DC March 14-20!

As many of you read or heard, Kailey and I had a great feature article written about us in the Washington Post. This stemmed from our upcoming presentation at the League of American Bicyclist National Bike Summit about Creating Inclusive Communities for all who bike, but especially those in larger bodies (fat people!) From that article, we ran a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign and will be able to attend the summit in DC! While we’re on the East Coast, we’ll be giving the presentation for 2 additional audiences - Washington Area Bicyclists Association in DC and We Bike NYC! We’re super excited for both presentations and the opportunity to spread our message to further communities!

Snowballing off of this has also been numerous interviews for podcasts, articles, and possibly even in a documentary! I know you’re all waiting with baited breath to hear about that one :)

Perhaps most exciting of all, Kailey was featured on the cover of BICYCLING MAGAZINE!! Go get a copy if you haven’t yet!

bicycling mag.jpg

2. Working Out. I started working out with a badass personal trainer again and I’m really excited about it!

I’ve been an athlete almost my entire life - from swim team as a kid to softball and volleyball in highschool to CrossFit in my 20s. Recent years have been focused on biking and I realized that I miss feeling strong.

I’ve been working with Kris, who is a body positive fitness trainer and I love it! I forgot how good it feels to move heavy things, move my body in a functional way, and to get really sweaty. I’m hoping these gym sessions will translate to feeling stronger on the bike too and injury prevention as my miles ramp back up as the weather gets nicer.

3. We’re getting married! I proposed to JR early this year and we’re really excited about our future together! Wedding planning is coming along - I’m sure more details will come soon, but for now we’re relishing in calling each other Fiance and playing with our rings. Love is fun. I highly recommend falling in love.